Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Does blogging make you smarter?

Does blogging make you smarter? (Didn't I just say that?) Well, it hasn’t helped me any (I think mental flabbiness is an irreversible trait with me). But, this blog post by two doctors claims that blogging promotes the type of brain stimulating activity that promotes critical thinking and enhances both introspection and social interaction. It’s very interesting.

My question is, how many posts does it take to cause a significant increase in brain power? 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 5…(well, you get the point)? Is it a gradual effect or does it suddenly cascade into a torrent of brainy expostulations, sort of like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, who, upon hearing he had a brain all along suddenly spouts off the Pythagorean theorem (at least, if memory serves me right. Blast that brain of mine). But if he had a brain the whole time why didn’t he figure this out beforehand (the dummy)? Anyways, don’t hate me because I’m dumb. Hate me because I’m, uh, what was I saying…?


Anonymous said...

I have noticed that since I started blogging I write better but I can not hold a polite conversation.

son of puddleglum said...

I never could hold a polite conversation. Hard to do that when I'm always insulting the other person (well not always; maybe every other conversation). As for writing, I prefer to print.

Anonymous said...

"mental flabbiness"? You? If you are mentally flabby, that makes me mental mush.

son of puddleglum said...

Flabby is as flabby does. As for mush I...mmmmm, mush.

Anonymous said...

Are all your comments usually this silly?

son of puddleglum said...

My red face tells it all. The next 2 or 3 posts will get more serious. But if I can't be silly here where can I? I have a sullen and morose reputation to uphold in the real world.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be serious all the time! A little silliness is good for the soul. I get so excited when people who are normally serious allow themselves to just be...whatever they're feeling. I've wasted too many years being trapped in the prison of my "reputation". It's so much more fun just to be me.

son of puddleglum said...

Well, I guess silliness can be serious business (just ask Jim Carey, that is if you can get past his bodyguards and home security system).