Thursday, August 31, 2006

Amazon Wishlists

I've added my Amazon Wishlist items on the sidebar. These are merely books and albums/DVDs that I'd like to read/hear/view, even possibly own. Not that I'm asking anyone to buy them for me, though you could if you wanted to (ha! fat chance eh?) I'd say I've read/heard/viewed about 10 to 20 percent of the lists, exclusively by borrowing from the library. I'll keep adding to them from time to time.


Anonymous said...

So basically anything C.S. Lewis. :) I second that. And hey...I saw War and Peace on that list! That was my 'what book would you take to a deserted island' book! Though 'Paradise Lost' still trumps Tolstoy in priority.

Luke and Rachael said...

hey Dennis, just a friendly FYI: Copleston is good, certainly a genius who did tons for philosophy, but he's considered a bit dated by some in the profession. i don't think that should stop us from reading him; but maybe just good to know that he doesn't constitute the most up-to-date or (in some cases) accurate interpretations of the people he covers. there's a series in the midst of being put out by Routledge on the great philosophers (or something like that) that will probably be the benchmark in history of phil for a while to come. hope you're well, luke

son of puddleglum said...

"or something like that"? Talk about being precise (grin). But thanks for the FYI.

son of puddleglum said...


I had a clever comment for you but it escaped me (really).