Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The temperature has been in the low 30 degrees these past few days and my computer is in the warmest room of the house. Plus, I’m having connection problems with my modem. So, if you don't hear from me here it’s not because I’m dead (though that’s a distinct possibility – heat stroke maybe). In the mean time I leave you with this quote from the Canadian Bible Society magazine by Calvin Seerveld, professor emeritus of philosophical aesthetics at the Institute of Christian Studies:

It’s not easy to read the Bible. It’s easier to read it wrong or not read it at all. To read the Bible the way it is written takes some coaching (Acts 8:26-31). But a lot of people don’t want that. They want an easy fix, and after awhile they give up on Bible reading.

That’s because we often read the Bible for what it’s
not and seldom read it for what it is. Here’s what it is not: It is not a book you use to prove a point. Neither is it a book written to solve your personal problems.

Here’s what it is: It is a true story of what God has really done in history. It is a true account of how God works and what God wants done on Earth.

To read the Bible the way it is written, you have to give up your own agenda. You have to dwell in the text and see the whole woven tapestry of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. When you do, you will find that God speaks to you and with you.

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