Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Bible Translations

New Testament scholar Ben Witherington III has posted some bible recommendations on his blog, although his dislike of the English Standard Version triggered some disagreement in the comments section. His main concern seems to be the issue of gender inclusiveness. And Wayne Leman continues the discussion on his blog.


Anonymous said...

What translation do you prefer?

son of puddleglum said...

I use the NIV for the whole bible and the NewAmerican Standard Bible for the New Testament (because I got that one for free). When reading the N.T. I usually use both together. I find it pretty helpful to see how the translators render each passage. I think I prefer the NASB. Being a more literal translation,it's more succinct and economical. Whether I think one is better than the other, I can't say. There's something to be said about getting the meaning of a passage as opposed to getting a more literal rendering that may leave you scratching your head as to what it means, though there isn't much that is difficult to read in the NASB. But, as Billy Graham once answered to the question, "Which is the best bible translation?", "the best translation is the one you read."

Anonymous said...

I'm usually stuck on NIV just because that was the required translation when I was in highschool. But I enjoy flipping between translations, too. Sometimes I even go to the Message for better clarity, though I don't like it for Psalms or Proverbs. It loses its poetic feel.