Friday, December 02, 2005

Anne Rice

In case anyone missed this, Interview with the Vampire author Anne Rice has become a Christian (or at least has returned to her childhood religious beliefs). The thing that impresses me is the careful thinking she did before returning to the Church. She even read a few evangelical scholars and in particular speaks very highly of N.T. Wright.


Anonymous said...

Apparently the guitarist from Korn has left the group after becoming a Christian. He's working on his own, now, and is releasing an album entitled Invitations Have Been Sent to All. I love stories like that.

son of puddleglum said...

I think I read he was baptized in the Jordan River. You never know who'll accept Christ. I've never heard Korn. They're probably not my cup of musical tea.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, not exactly mine, either. They hang out with the Marilyn Manson crowd.