Friday, April 07, 2006

Gospel of Judas

Ben Witherington has some thoughts on the Gospel of Judas.


Anonymous said...

I haven't read your link yet, but I'm glad that you posted about this. I read the article in the Vancouver Sun this morning about the Gospel of Judas and they were making it sound like it just totally blew the Biblical gospels out of the water. It would be nice to read another perspective.

son of puddleglum said...

THe gospel of judas is basically one manuscript (a Coptic translation from, presumably,
Greek) from around 300 AD. Compare that to over 5600 complete and partial Greek manuscripts for the canonical New Testament books. There isn't a Gnostic gospel that wasn't written after the end of the first century whereas the canonical gospels can all be dated within the first century. In terms of historical reliability, Judas doesn't come anywhere near the canonicals. Whether it's Jesus Seminar, Da Vinci Code, or Gospel of Judas, the media simply like sensational stories. I prefer tried and true.