Sunday, March 19, 2006

Da Vinci Inquest

I haven’t read the Da Vince Code but I have seen the commercial for the upcoming film. I do have Holy Blood, Holy Grail on my bookshelf, though I don’t know when I’ll get around to reading it. For those who want a good debunking, Tekton has an article by J.P. Holding, Not InDaVincible which finds the flaws in Brown’s research and claims.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read the book last year and really enjoyed it. It's a great suspense novel, though it is quite deceptive in its presentation of 'facts' about Christian history. We bought 'Cracking Da Vinci's Code' by James L. Garlow and Peter Jones and I started reading it immediately after I read the novel, but then school reading took precedence and it's kind of fallen to the wayside. I'll probably pick it up again after I see the movie.