Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Why Bother with Harry Potter

One response that we can expect from certain Christians whenever a new Harry Potter book or film is released is a good old fashioned book burning. Another response is the attempt to ban the book in public or school libraries. Obviously, parents have a right to impose reading restrictions on their own children as they see fit. Other Christians, however, see value in reading the books and viewing the films.

This article from CTMovies provides a brief look at why Christians of all people ought to read the Potter series.

Also worth reading is this First Things article by Alan Jacobs of Wheaton College.

And one of the best websites that looks at the Christian and redemptive themes in the books and films is


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that, Denis. It's refreshing to hear that perspective. Personally, I love the Harry Potter series. Are you going to see the movie?

son of puddleglum said...

On DVD, even though I now live within walking distance of Silver City. I still haven't read Half-Blood Prince, either. I may get around to it before the last book comes out.

And congratulations on getting your certification. I feel like i need to raise my hand now when I want to say something to you.

Anonymous said...

haha... thanks. :)

I'm really behind on my reading. I read the first two in French when I was living in Quebec and had the best intentions to read the others but never got around to it. :(