Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Briefly on marriage

I keep hearing from or about people I know or have known who are getting married or have recently gotten married. Chances are I won’t be getting married (have you seen pictures of Marshwiggles? Not a pretty sight), because while I could probably give a list of women I might like to marry, I wouldn’t be able to provide a list of women who would want to marry me (there’s the rub). But let’s say if the planets all align aright, if the infinitesimal probabilities can be overcome and I meet her, then there are three essential qualities that she would have to possess. First, an intelligent mind. Second, a kind and forgiving heart. Third, good moral character. These three are essential because, well, I figure one of us ought to have those qualities. If neither of us had these qualities there could be trouble, especially for me. And it’s all about me. Which is the biggest reason why I probably won’t get married.


Anonymous said...

Marshwiggles?...hardly. I guess we're all looking for that one special someone. When I think about how many things have to fall so perfectly in place for two people to fall in love, it seems a wonder that anyone ever gets together. But so many do and they all tell me it happens when you least expect it. Here's hoping! :)

son of puddleglum said...

"when you least expect"...kind of like a traffic accident, I guess? and just as harrowing maybe? (no smile here. just some grimacing) Romance is not my metier, though I do have a love for bad paronomasia (continue grimacing).

Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me what "falling in love" is. There seem to be so many variations on that theme I can't keep them straight. Is it true that you become blind, or does everything become clear, or do you get a free pair of rose-colored glasses? Is it a decision or is it fate or that thing that blindsides you...yeah, like a traffic accident? Is it true that it causes a stomach-ache because of all the butterflies, or does it cause a headache, did I hear someone say heartache? I'm so confused. If I can't recognize love how in the world do I get to marriage? Is there a class on this?