Monday, December 03, 2007

Kindling a new revolution: a book lover’s dream or nightmare?

Amazon’s new e-reader, Kindle, is probably the coolest electronic device I’ve seen recently (or possibly ever). Check out the video on the Amazon site. And Newsweek has a story about it. Will it catch on? Will it mean the death of the paper based book? Am I technically proficient enough to use one? And most important of all: Can I afford it?

And yet, I still love the feel of paper pages, stiff book bindings, and the smell of binding glue. I even somewhat enjoy grousing about the inadequate binding quality of some of the books I own. Maybe I can simply enjoy the benefits of both the digital and analog worlds. After all, the important things are the thoughts behind the scribblings, not the manner in which those scribbling-represented thoughts reach our brains through our eyeballs (I wonder if anyone will invent or has invented something similar for Braille readers).

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