Tuesday, September 28, 2004

full moon

There’s a full moon. They say that the moon can make people do strange things. This seems a rather peculiar notion. Perhaps it’s the gravitational influence on the earth’s inhabitants. Maybe some of our neurons get pulled toward the heavens, making us somewhat light-headed and loopy. Perhaps it’s the fact that there, right in the middle of a dark sky, is a bright eye looking down on us. We usually regard darkness to be prime time for hidden agendas. But if someone is watching us, perhaps a little bit of the performance artist in us comes out. The moon is watching, a celestial sentinel.
Is there, regardless of time of day, someone truly watching us? And can this someone see not only our actions but also our motives, our thoughts, our desires? Is this watcher benign or hostile? Will he make us do things we don’t want? Or does he simply watch our pathetic lives and laugh at our arrogant folly? What will all of human achievement be worth when, in a number of billion years, the universe is nothing but a lifeless mass of cold particles?

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